Japanese Standard: JIS G3312
T-Bend (both sides):  ≤ 4T
Adhersion (Erichsen):  The rate of grids with painting layers peeled off is ≤ 5%
Impact test: 500g x 500mm - the painting layer is not peeled off from the steel base..
Pencil hardness:  ≥ 3H
Rubbing with M.E.K solvent: The painting layer is not peeled off from the steel base.
Sides  Standard 
Top finish
≥ 100 dr
Bottom backer ≥ 70 dr
Bottom monocoat
≥ 70 dr

Salt spray test:

Sides Duration (hrs)
Top side ≥ 500 hrs
Bottom side ≥ 200 hrs
Paint film:

For 04 layers (Unit: µm)

Layers Coating thickness
Finish layer 10 ÷ 20
Top primer 5 ÷ 8
Bottom primer 5 ÷ 8
Back layer 5 ÷ 10

For 03 layers (Unit: µm)

Layers Độ dày màn sơn
Finish layer 10 ÷ 20
Top primer layer 5 ÷ 8
Bottom monocoat layer
7 ÷ 10

*Note: Bottom monocoat layer

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